Shimano |Shimano SM-SH11 SPD SL Yellow Cleat
Shimano's SM-SH11 SPD SL Yellow Cleat offers a six-degree float range, allowing for movement and reducing joint stress. This makes it the top choice for many athletes, including casual fitness cyclists. The cleat's pivot point is in the center, providing flexibility for the toes to point in various angles. This wide range of float also gives room for error when adjusting the cleats. Whether you're a beginner, experiencing knee pain, have low flexibility, or need guidance, consider Shimano's yellow cleats as your ideal option.
Shimano's SM-SH11 SPD SL Yellow Cleat offers a six-degree float range, allowing for movement and reducing joint stress. This makes it the top choice for many athletes, including casual fitness cyclists. The cleat's pivot point is in the center, providing flexibility for the toes to point in various angles. This wide range of float also gives room for error when adjusting the cleats. Whether you're a beginner, experiencing knee pain, have low flexibility, or need guidance, consider Shimano's yellow cleats as your ideal option.